InícioSeçõesVídeo PartesDanny Cerezini - Blazed and Blunted

Danny Cerezini – Blazed and Blunted

A Blaze Supply anunciou Danilo Cerezini no time no mais recente full video da marca, o Still Blazin´ – The Symphony. Agora, pra coroar de vez a entrada dele na marca, a vídeo parte Blazed and Blunted, toda filmada na Hardtrick, chega daquele jeito.



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11 meses atrás

Flip fs blunt
Nollie bs blunt reverse
Fakie ollie fs ss blunt
Fakie ollie bs ss blunt reverse
Nollie fs blunt reverse
Half cab fs blunt reverse
Fs nollie 180 bs blunt reverse
Half cab bs nose blunt reverse
Half cab flip ss bs blunt reverse
Nollie flip fs noseblunt
Heelflip bs noseblunt
Fakie heel ss bs blunt
Ss heel bs blunt reverse
Heelflip fs blunt reverse
Fs blunt bs flip out
Ss fs noseblunt reverse + flip fs noseblunt reverse
Fs noseblunt reverse + ss flip fs noseblunt reverse
Nollie bs blunt shoveit out
Shoveit bs blunt
Nollie flip bs blunt reverse
Ss flip fs blunt
Fakie ollie fs noseblunt nollie fs flip out
Ss flip bs noseblunt
Fakie heel ss fs blunt reverse

Fs – frontside
Bs – backside
Ss – switch stance

De olho no moleta!

Sandro Rafael
11 meses atrás

Não sei se é aqui que comenta sobre o vido do Cerezini, mas vamos lá hahaha

Flip blunt f/s
Linha 1-Nollie blunt reverse e fakie f/s nose blunt.
Linha 2- Half cab nose blunt e nollie blunt f/s reverse
Cabalerial blunt f/s
Nollie 270 blunt b/s
Cabalerial nose blunt reverse
Half cab flip nose blunt f/s
Nollie flip nose blunt f/s
Heelflip nose blunt b/s reverse
Half cab heelflip nose blunt f/s reverse
Switch heelflip blunt b/s
Heelflip blunt f/s reverse
Blunt f/s b/s flip
Linha 3 – Switch nose blunt f/s reverse e flip nose blunt f/s reverse
Linha 4-Nose blunt f/s reverse e switch flip f/s nose blunt reverse
Nollie blunt b/s shove-it
Big spin blunt b/s
Nollie flip blunt b/s reverse
Switch flip blunt f/s
Nollie nose blunt fs, nollie f/s flip
Switch flip noseblunt b/s
Fakie heelflip f/s switch blunt reverse


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